DUBAI OPERA : 27 days until the grand opening PHOTO UPDATE !

Yesterday, I’ve visited the construction site of the Dubai Opera House and to be honest… I was a bit surprised…instead of finishing touches, heavy construction is taking place on all levels.

In 27 days, the stage has to be set for Placido Domingo’s inaugural performance but to me, it looks far from finishing.

I am sure, the Opera teams are working around the clock to meet the deadline and hopefully all will be ready for the flashy opening night on the 31st Aug 2016. Fingers crossed!

The centre of performing arts, 2000 seat Dubai Opera will be multi-purpose venue with state-of-the art equipment. Its shape, designed by Danish architect Janus Rostock is based on the traditional Arabic fishing vessel, the Dhow.

The Opera’s program for rest of the year is looking very eventful and you can czech the show line-up on



Dubai Opera

DUBAI OPERA : 71 days to the opening … Construction update

The opening of the performing arts centre in Dubai is stone’s throw away and the construction is getting into its final stage.

The Dubai Opera House in Downtown Dubai is scheduled to open on the 31st of August 2016 ( Read all about it HERE ) and its designed to resemble a dhow, a traditional sailing vessel.

2000 seat capacity auditorium will be possible to transform into 3 different “modes” within a minutes and offer variety of floor lay-outs from theatre, flat floor to concert venue.

Legendary Spanish tenor Plácido Domingo will be the opening act, following by “A list” line-up for the rest of the year.

Enjoy the photos…

Main Entrance Side : 

Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera


Side view :

Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera

Front view : 

Dubai Opera

Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera Dubai Opera